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The Jerusalem Post Magazine ran a story on Shmuil Markowitz Pevzner (1912-1991), Jewish educator, Leningrad resident and this year’s recipient of the Jewish Rescuers Citation. The article details Pevzner’s heroic actions as he succeeded in rescuing 300 children, including about 140 Jewish children from Bialystok, Poland, and the surrounding region, and retreating with them by train to the safety of the Soviet Far East. For the 12 day journey, they were under repeated German aerial attack. 

In the story, B’nai B’rith World Center Director Alan Schneider is quoted, discussing Pevzner and the 14th consecutive Holocaust commemoration ceremony on Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Day–the only event dedicated annually to commemorating the heroism of Jews who rescued fellow Jews during the Holocaust.

– Read the Full Story below –