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A representative of B’nai B’rith International’s (BBI) Center for Human Rights and Public Policy implored the Organization of American States (OAS) to include language condemning anti-Semitism in the next draft of the Inter-American Convention Against Racism and All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance. During an address at OAS headquarters on Nov. 20,  Assistant Director Adriana Camisar noted that while the current draft for the convention includes language denouncing anti-Semitism in the preamble, it is vital that such language continues in the body of the text.

During her presentation, Camisar noted that B’nai B’rith “believe[s] that it is extremely important for a convention against racism and discrimination to specifically address anti-Semitism, as it is one of the oldest forms of malicious intolerance and violates the basic principles of human dignity and equality that are essential to a free and fully democratic society. We applaud [OAS] for including in the text of the preamble a specific reference to anti-Semitism. We strongly believe that it is imperative for this language to remain in the text. We also believe that a reference to anti-Semitism… should be included in the text of the convention itself.”

During her address, Camisar provided several examples of anti-Semitism in the Americas just in the last year that need to be multilaterally condemned, such as graffiti on synagogues.

According to Camisar, the growth rate of anti-Semitic groups in much of Latin America has been staggering over the past few years. It is an issue that must be focused upon in the next draft of the OAS document and convention.

B’nai B’rith International has had a strong presence in Latin America since the founding of a chapter in Argentina 83-years ago. Today, BBI is active in more than 20 nations in the Western Hemisphere, including Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, and Venezuela, communicating regularly with government officials and religious leaders while providing humanitarian relief to various countries.

> Read the full presentation to the Organization of American States.

> Spanish version of the presentation