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Calls on International Community to Stand in Solidarity with Israel

B’nai B’rith International is outraged at the horrific murder of four Israelis on Aug. 31 near Kiryat Arba in the West Bank. Hamas proudly took credit for the shooting of the two men and two women, called it “heroic,” and reportedly threatened more violence.

Coming on the eve of the first direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in nearly two years, Hamas has once again demonstrated the grave security threat Israel faces, and how integral the security issue is to any peace talks. Even under these conditions, Israel has committed to continuing the peace talks—further evidence of its commitment to peace.

“Hamas must not be successful in its efforts to derail the peace talks,” B’nai B’rith International President Dennis W. Glick said. “But the Palestinian Authority must dig deep to demonstrate its commitment to peace. Condemning the attacks was a start. But the P.A. must redouble its efforts to prove it will compromise with Israel, and punish Hamas.”

B’nai B’rith hopes the international community will stand in solidarity with Israel and unequivocally condemn Hamas and its terror campaign. For too long, too much of the world has turned a blind eye to the actions of Hamas, which publicly seeks the destruction of Israel.

“These brutal attacks are chilling,” B’nai B’rith International Executive Vice President Daniel S. Mariaschin said. “It seems there is no line Hamas won’t cross in its murderous effort to destroy Jews and eliminate Israel. Hamas’ barbarism stretches the limits of comprehension within civil society. Our thoughts and prayers go to the victims’ families, and to all Israelis.”