Young Leadership
Our Young Leadership Network is a vital force to nurture future leaders and help the community. Through events at embassies, missions, disaster rebuilding sites and fundraisers, we have a network of next generation leaders who meet, exchange ideas, have a chance to learn from world leaders and lend a hand to a struggling community.
Read our spring/summer Young Leadership Newsletter here.
South Florida
YLN-South Florida kicked off the year with a winter mixer in January, at the Funky Buddha Brewery in Oakland Park, Fla. This event has become a quarterly event, and members look forward to a laid back evening with drinks and food and the opportunity to meet new people. Kosher wine tasting and sushi and sake nights were also on the YL menu. President Gary P. Saltzman attended one of the events to share his insights on B’nai B’rith’s global advocacy efforts. At an event for young lawyers, our young leaders donated school supplies to local children in need.
In and around Detroit, the YLN group has been busy. In March members participated in Project H.O.P.E. (Help Our People Everywhere). They helped local B’nai B’rith volunteers make Passover food packages for the Jewish elderly and needy. In early April, the group participated in a Holocaust remembrance event with the B’nai B’rith Great Lakes Region.
Chicago young leaders kicked off spring with a Karaoke happy hour, inspired by the members’ recent Young Leadership Network trip to Japan. In July, the group participated in Shabbat on the Lake, JCC Chicago’s premier lakefront event of the summer for young adults, which we co-sponsored.
In June, Temple Emanuel hosted YLN-Denver Chair Frank Goldman, to present “President Truman, my grandfather, and a bottle of bourbon.” It’s an amazing story of how Frank Goldman’s grandfather, a former B’nai B’rith International president also named Frank Goldman, helped influence President Harry S. Truman to recognize the need for Israeli statehood. Frank Goldman has also been in the process of helping to create a young families group in Denver.
New York
YLN-NY kicked off its spring calendar with a group attending several B’nai B’rith Award dinners and the B’nai B’rith Diverse Minds Writing Challenge. On March 30, members participated in the annual Project H.O.P.E. (Help Our People Everywhere) event, hosted at the B’nai B’rith office in New York. Young leaders helped assemble more than 100 Passover food packages for the Jewish elderly and needy. On April 28, the group co-hosted a Shabbat Dinner with MJE (Manhattan Jewish Experience) on the Upper East Side. The dinner celebrated the opening of baseball season and the official start of YLN’s spring season. In July members met at B’nai B’rith’s New York office for Sushi Sake Summer Night. Attendees enjoyed kosher sushi and sake, and heard from participants of YLN’s trip to Japan.
New Jersey
YLN-NJ kicked off its spring season with a joint Purim Party, co-hosted by Moishe House Montclair and JNFutures-NJ. Members from all three organizations dressed up in true Purim fashion and enjoyed eating hamantaschen. Members were also invited to join the group in New York for Project H.O.P.E. (Help Our People Everywhere) on March 30. The group enjoyed attending Springfield Lodge’s annual Dinner Dance in June, which honored distinguished members of the community, including a Young Leadership Award recipient.
Washington, D.C.
In June, YLN-DC hosted a Spring Brunch and Learn event with Einat Weiss, counselor for Political Affairs at the Israeli Embassy; Evelina Petrone, first secretary of the Political Section at the Embassy of Lithuania; and Jennifer L. Feldman, attorney & vice president of Membership for Alpha Epsilon Phi (AEPhi) sorority. National B’nai B’rith Young Leadership Network Chair Eduard Redensky moderated the discussion. The speakers discussed traditional gender role issues many women face in the workplace, as well as in charity work and their social lives. Young leaders also enjoyed attending the B’nai B’rith Healthcare Award dinner the following week.
YLN Abroad
B’nai B’rith has members all over the world, and so does the Young Leadership Network. There are groups in Australia, Europe, Israel, Latin America, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
B’nai B’rith Europe and B’nai B’rith United Kingdom, ran a workshop during the Young Professional Weekend in Luxembourg focusing on B’nai B’rith’s work advocating for Israel and combating anti-Semitism in London and Brussels. Participants from all over Europe attended.
Attendees enjoyed a Shabbat meal at Luxembourg’s Jewish Community Center, and heard from the chief rabbi of Luxembourg. They also heard from human rights activist and academic Guila Clara Kessous. Participants toured the city and learned about its Jewish history and went to a nightclub. Attendees also toured Vianden Castle and took a boat cruise on the Moselle.
B’nai B’rith also has a very active young professionals group in the United Kingdom. The group launched in July 2015 with a private boat cruise party on the River Thames. Every year members also have a Moroccan style picnic at the Klezmer in the Park Festival, monthly happy hour film screenings in partnership with the UK Jewish Film Festival, comedy evenings and Israeli concerts. The group also hosts an annual Valentine’s Day Wine and Dine Dinner with St. Johns Wood Young Jewish Network, in Golden Green, with a professional matchmaker. The group has also enjoyed breakfast briefings with diplomats from the London Bureau of International Relations, participating law firms and businesses. Members have spoken with the high commissioner for the Republic of Austria, the Israeli ambassador and the Latvian ambassador.
In March, B’nai B’rith International sent 13 young leaders to Japan, sponsored by the Japanese government. This was the second trip the group has done to the country, as part of its friendship ties program called the Kakahashi Project. The participants were from all over the United States, including Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Florida, New York and Washington D.C. Participants met with several members of Japan’s Foreign Ministry to discuss the Jewish population and learn more about Japan’s vast history and its relationship with Israel. Other highlights included a trip to Kobe, Hiroshima, where the group met with an atomic bomb survivor, the Holocaust museum and much more.
B’nai B’rith International has advocated for global Jewry and championed the cause of human rights since 1843. B’nai B’rith is recognized as a vital voice in promoting Jewish unity and continuity, a staunch defender of the State of Israel, a tireless advocate on behalf of senior citizens and a leader in disaster relief. With a presence around the world, we are the Global Voice of the Jewish Community.
© 2018 : B’nai B’rith International, 1120 20th St. NW, Suite 300 North, Washington, DC 20036