B’nai B’rith is proud to unveil the winter 2023 edition of B’nai B’rith Magazine, a carefully curated issue that reflects on B’nai B’rith’s 180 years of rich history and Jewish advocacy. Featuring investigative and thought-provoking storytelling, this edition’s cover story examines the short and long-term effects of anti-Semitism on children.
As increasing hate crimes and targeted attacks in schools and synagogues are leading some Jewish youths to conceal their religion, we look at the challenges children face amid rising anti-Semitism. In “When Anti-Semitism Hits Home: How Hate Hurts Kids” writer Beryl Lieff Benderly explores how this generation is working to combat hatred through community advocacy.
From ancient chants to modern melodies, varied worship styles have always reflected the diverse tapestry of Judaism. Jeff Weintraub explores differing prayer styles across the United States in “Pray Tell: Congregations Rely on Innovative and Traditional Approaches to Worship.”
In “Israel’s Small Domari Community: Struggling, but Striving to Succeed” Michele Chabin interviews Jerusalem’s insular community, shedding light on a local support system that is actively working to combat poverty and enhance educational opportunities.
Pet owners are taking pride in integrating their furry companions into religious practices. In “Jewish Dogs Coming of Age: The Rise of the Bark Mitzvah” Jennifer Lovy tells the story of a man who spent $10,000 on a “bark mitzvah” for his Jack Russell Terrier—and he’s not the only one spending lavishly and lovingly on Bar Mitzvah’s for a pet.
Also, read the first-place winning composition of the 2023 None Shall Be Afraid Essay Contest, held to encourage college-age students to offer strategies to tackle online anti-Semitism.
Read these stories and more in the 2023 issue of the Magazine here: https://www.bnaibrith.org/bnai-brith-magazine/