B’nai B’rith International President Gary P. Saltzman and CEO Daniel S. Mariaschin have issued the following statement:
B’nai B’rith International (BBI) denounces the United Nations General Assembly for today passing another anti-Israel resolution, which objected to President Donald J. Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by expressing “deep regret at recent decisions concerning the status of Jerusalem” and urging “all States to refrain from the establishment of diplomatic missions in the Holy City.”
The effectively non-binding motion passed with 128 member states voting in favor, 35 abstaining and nine voting against. B’nai B’rith is appreciative that Guatemala, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Togo stood by the United States and Israel.
We agree with U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley that the U.N.’s “disproportionate focus on Israel” is “a wrong that undermines the credibility of this institution and that in turn is harmful for the entire world.” As importantly, no nation has as much claim to its capital as Israel does to Jerusalem, and the U.S. is right to recognize that reality.
It is unacceptable that allies such as Britain, France and Germany voted for yet one more deeply objectionable and unhelpful U.N. resolution. We take note of those European Union member states and Latin American or Caribbean countries that abstained on this motion.
General Assembly “emergency special sessions” like today’s have been held more often to focus on singling out the world’s only Jewish, democratic state for abuse than on challenging or critiquing any of the other 192 U.N. member states. The resolution was brought by Turkey, which has expressed the intention to alter the final status of Jerusalem in Palestinians’ favor, and Yemen, where ongoing violence has seen a nearly unrivaled humanitarian catastrophe fueled in significant part by Iran-backed extremists whose official flag reads, “Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews.”
B’nai B’rith International (BBI) denounces the United Nations General Assembly for today passing another anti-Israel resolution, which objected to President Donald J. Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by expressing “deep regret at recent decisions concerning the status of Jerusalem” and urging “all States to refrain from the establishment of diplomatic missions in the Holy City.”
The effectively non-binding motion passed with 128 member states voting in favor, 35 abstaining and nine voting against. B’nai B’rith is appreciative that Guatemala, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Togo stood by the United States and Israel.
We agree with U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley that the U.N.’s “disproportionate focus on Israel” is “a wrong that undermines the credibility of this institution and that in turn is harmful for the entire world.” As importantly, no nation has as much claim to its capital as Israel does to Jerusalem, and the U.S. is right to recognize that reality.
It is unacceptable that allies such as Britain, France and Germany voted for yet one more deeply objectionable and unhelpful U.N. resolution. We take note of those European Union member states and Latin American or Caribbean countries that abstained on this motion.
General Assembly “emergency special sessions” like today’s have been held more often to focus on singling out the world’s only Jewish, democratic state for abuse than on challenging or critiquing any of the other 192 U.N. member states. The resolution was brought by Turkey, which has expressed the intention to alter the final status of Jerusalem in Palestinians’ favor, and Yemen, where ongoing violence has seen a nearly unrivaled humanitarian catastrophe fueled in significant part by Iran-backed extremists whose official flag reads, “Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews.”