Secretary of Human Rights of Argentina Claudio Avruj in the meeting in Santa Fe
For this year’s commemoration in Argentina, Human Rights Office Director Claudio Avruj, who is also a former B’nai B’rith executive vice president of District 23, decided to move the commemoration from Buenos Aires to Santa Fe, a very important province in Argentina, and home of thousands of Jewish immigrants who settled there in the 20th century. They also founded the historic village Moises Ville. The event took place in the park of the Righteous Among Nations. This park is a memorial dedicated to non-Jewish men and women who helped save Jewish lives during the Holocaust.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Santiago, Chile hosted an event, organized by B`nai B’rith Chile and the Jewish community, which was attended by more than 200 people. Ana Maria Tapia, a very well known B´nai B’rith member, received a tribute for her many years devoted to teaching the Holocaust in Chile.
President of B’nai B’rith Uruguay Ana Wilenski attended an event at the Uruguay Congress.
Brazil held several events across the country in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia. In Sao Paulo, a ceremony was held in the main Masorti synagogue led by Rabbi Michel Schlesinger. President of Brazil Michel Temer and Foreign Minister Jose Serra attended the event.
Mexico held a special event at the Foreign Ministry, with keynote speaker Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray Caso. In his speech he noted: “Mexico recognizes and remembers the veracity of this outrageous historic carnage. We will never doubt, not for a second, the existence of the Shoah and we do and will do so because we are sure that remembrance is an imperative of solidarity, not only with the Jewish people, the main target of this tragedy, but with other minorities who were also victims of the Nazis. It is more important than ever to remember the Shoah today, because we are facing and witnessing new ways of nationalisms which want to open again the doors of racism and discrimination.”