B’nai B’rith International President Gary P. Saltzman and CEO Daniel S. Mariaschin have issued the following statement:
B’nai B’rith International’s representative to the United Nations in Geneva Klaus Netter spoke before the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) addressing the global rise of anti-Semitism and neo-Nazi protests.
He can watch his remarks below. You can also read his speech in its entirety below.
“Mr. Vice President,
We were deeply disturbed by the hate rally last month in Charlottesville, Virginia. The United States is a nation whose proud history includes the sacrifice of thousands of patriotic soldiers who lost their lives in order to end the reign of fascism in Europe. The appalling spectacle of a gathering in an American city that featured Nazi flags, Nazi salutes and marchers barking anti-Semitic and racist slogans was worthy of unambiguous condemnation.
We thank those who have spoken out about this event. We hope that it can open this council’s eyes to the alarming persistence of anti-Semitism in many regions, though particularly in the Middle East. Indeed, in order for the council to have credibility in addressing ant-Semitism, there must be an awakening to the demonization and discrimination that are systematic to this body itself, which has singled out the world’s only Jewish state for unique scrutiny targeting only one side of one conflict that is rooted in denial of the very history and basic rights of the Jewish people to their homeland.
B’nai B’rith International’s representative to the United Nations in Geneva Klaus Netter spoke before the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) addressing the global rise of anti-Semitism and neo-Nazi protests.
He can watch his remarks below. You can also read his speech in its entirety below.
“Mr. Vice President,
We were deeply disturbed by the hate rally last month in Charlottesville, Virginia. The United States is a nation whose proud history includes the sacrifice of thousands of patriotic soldiers who lost their lives in order to end the reign of fascism in Europe. The appalling spectacle of a gathering in an American city that featured Nazi flags, Nazi salutes and marchers barking anti-Semitic and racist slogans was worthy of unambiguous condemnation.
We thank those who have spoken out about this event. We hope that it can open this council’s eyes to the alarming persistence of anti-Semitism in many regions, though particularly in the Middle East. Indeed, in order for the council to have credibility in addressing ant-Semitism, there must be an awakening to the demonization and discrimination that are systematic to this body itself, which has singled out the world’s only Jewish state for unique scrutiny targeting only one side of one conflict that is rooted in denial of the very history and basic rights of the Jewish people to their homeland.
Thank you, Mr. Vice President.”