B’nai B’rith International President Gary P. Saltzman and CEO Daniel S. Mariaschin have issued the following statement:
B’nai B’rith International strongly condemns the five unwarranted anti-Israel resolutions the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) passed today. One resolution was on the Golan Heights, while the other four were about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The Human Rights Council has on its permanent agenda “Item 7,” which is a basket of anti-Israel condemnations reviewed and discussed each time the council meets. No other nation is singled out for review and opprobrium in this way.
We commend the United States and Togo for taking a principled stand by voting against all five resolutions.
The United Kingdom broke with the other European Union countries on the council and voted against the Golan measure, while abstaining and/or voting in favor of the others. However, the U.K. did put the council “on notice” following the votes that if things do not change regarding the bias against Israel then it will be voting against all “Item 7” resolutions in the future.
Though the vote outcome is to be expected in the highly-charged anti-Israel atmosphere that is pervasive at the council, B’nai B’rith is slightly encouraged that more countries are realizing that the UNHRC is becoming further politicized by the unrelenting bias Israel faces year after year at the UNHRC.
B’nai B’rith International strongly condemns the five unwarranted anti-Israel resolutions the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) passed today. One resolution was on the Golan Heights, while the other four were about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The Human Rights Council has on its permanent agenda “Item 7,” which is a basket of anti-Israel condemnations reviewed and discussed each time the council meets. No other nation is singled out for review and opprobrium in this way.
We commend the United States and Togo for taking a principled stand by voting against all five resolutions.
The United Kingdom broke with the other European Union countries on the council and voted against the Golan measure, while abstaining and/or voting in favor of the others. However, the U.K. did put the council “on notice” following the votes that if things do not change regarding the bias against Israel then it will be voting against all “Item 7” resolutions in the future.
Though the vote outcome is to be expected in the highly-charged anti-Israel atmosphere that is pervasive at the council, B’nai B’rith is slightly encouraged that more countries are realizing that the UNHRC is becoming further politicized by the unrelenting bias Israel faces year after year at the UNHRC.