Contact B'nai B'rith

1120 20th Street NW, Suite 300N Washington, D.C. 20036



B’nai B’rith’s policy regarding bequests is that all information concerning donors is handled through the Planned Giving office in Washington, D.C. This includes bequests that are specifically designated for a local lodge, unit, council, region, or other sub-group of B’nai B’rith.

Please forward all correspondence, e-mails, phone calls, receipts, releases, and distribution checks related to estates, trusts, and other planned gifts to:

B’nai B’rith 
Planned Giving Office 
1120 20th Street, N.W., Suite 300 N
Washington, D.C. 20036 
(202) 857-6657
(800) 656-5561

Bequests – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What will your legacy be?

A. As Jews, we have interwoven legacies. Like a beautiful tapestry, with each thread contributing a unique texture and color, the legacy of the Jewish people consists of the bright, varied legacies of each of us. Your legacy to B’nai B’rith signficantly impact in the lives of future Jewish generations. It will be a way for you to say, “My time here has mattered.” A bequest is one way to leave a legacy.

Q. If I choose simply to leave a bequest in my will or through my revocable living trust to B’nai B’rith, must I specify an exact amount?

A. No. While you may make a specific bequest to the B’nai B’rith Foundation of the U.S. in your will or through your revocable living trust in a specified sum, you may also choose to leave B’nai B’rith a percentage of your estate or trust.   
Q. Can I specify in my will what I want my bequest to be used for?

A. Just as you can when establishing a designated fund or endowment with B’nai B’rith during your lifetime, you may restrict your bequest or transfer from your will or revocable living trust for a particular program or service of B’nai B’rith and direct that the gift be named in your memory and/or in honor of others you select.

Q. What language may I use in my will or trust to provide for the B’nai B’rith Foundation of the U.S.?

A. For a specific bequest – I give and bequeath unto the B’nai B’rith Foundation of the U.S., tax ID# 53-0257218, the sum of $____ to be used for its general charitable purposes.

B. For a residuary bequest – I give and bequeath __% of my residuary estate to the B’nai B’rith Foundation of the U.S., tax ID# 53-0257218, to be used for its general charitable purposes.

C. For a designated or endowed bequest – I give and bequeath unto the B’nai B’rith Foundation of the U.S., tax ID# 53-0257218, (the sum of $_____)/ (___% of my residuary estate) to be used by it for [state designation or purpose]. In the event the purpose for which this bequest has been designated or restricted can no longer be accomplished, I direct that it be used by the B’nai B’rith Foundation of the U.S. for such similar charitable purposes as it shall determine.

D. For a named fund – I give and bequeath unto the B’nai B’rith Foundation of the U.S., tax ID# 53-0257218 (the sum of $___)/(___% of my residuary estate) to establish the {NAME} Fund (in honor of _____)/ (in memory of ______), a fund without restriction to be used by the Foundation for its general charitable purposes. 

Contact Us

For more information please contact the B’nai B’rith Foundation of the U.S. by phone (800. 656. 5561), by email  by mail at:

B’nai B’rith Foundation of the U.S.
1120 20th Street, N.W., Suite 300 N
Washington, D.C. 20036 

or submit our request for information form.