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(Fort Worth, May 27, 2021)–The Garsek Lodge of B’nai B’rith, the Jewish Federation of Fort Worth and Rabbi Andrew Bloom, among other rabbis in the nearby mid-cities, produced on short notice an impressive pro-Israel rally that attracted more than 170 people. Mayor Betsy Price and council members Jungus Jordan, Carlos Flores and Michael Crain also attended the festivities. 

Price praised the long-time contributions of the Jewish community to all facets of civic life in the city and acknowledged Fort Worth’s long and proud record for creating a welcoming environment. The event also attracted Christian Zionists and other friends of Israel. 

The event was covered by Victory Channel news anchor Tim Fox and KRLD (CBS) radio. Federation executive director Barry Abels presided over the program. Among his many “thank yous” were those directed to members of the Fort Worth Police Department for securing the area for the program. Chazzan Jeffrey Weber led the crowd in melodies of peace in addition to singing the national anthem and closing with Hatikvah, Israel’s national anthem. 

Charles O. Kaufman, president of B’nai B’rith International, was the keynote speaker and hailed Israel as a country that has improved the world by feeding more people, healing and curing more people, rehabilitating people and building economic strength throughout the world. 

“Peace for the Palestinians is staring them in the face,” he said. “What Israel has done with world partners can be done with the Palestinians if they will it. For now they don’t have the will nor the way; and they won’t find a way until they find the will…We hope the Palestinians will learn the wisdom of the parties of the Abraham Accords, who, after 73 years, have grown impatient with destruction and terror and chosen the path paved by innovation, progress and peace” with Israel. “The strength of tiny Israel should serve as inspiration to us all.” 

Kaufman encapsulated 3,500 years of anti-Semitism, from biblical times, vast civilizations and Empires; from before the Common Era, through the Dark Ages, blood libels, the Inquisition and other expulsions and pogroms; the creation of ghettos; exclusions from universities, clubs and organizations. “We can only reverse this hatred if we confront the hatred,” he said. “It’s a big task, one for which we must educate future generations.” 

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B’nai B’rith International has advocated for global Jewry and championed the cause of human rights since 1843. B’nai B’rith is recognized as a vital voice in promoting Jewish unity and continuity, a staunch defender of the State of Israel, a tireless advocate on behalf of senior citizens and a leader in disaster relief. With a presence around the world, we are the Global Voice of the Jewish Community. Visit