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B’nai B’rith International President Charles O. Kaufman and CEO Daniel S. Mariaschin have issued the following statement:   
We welcome President Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Israeli control over the Golan Heights, which reflects the longtime strategic reality in the region.

It is from the Golan that Syria launched two wars against Israel, and it is from the Golan today that Iran’s proxy in Syria – Hezbollah – seeks to open a second front against the Jewish State. History is filled with numerous such examples.

Does anyone realistically think, given the destructive, chaotic civil war that has wracked Syria for much of the past decade that Israel should put itself in existential danger by returning the Golan to its sworn enemies? Syria has had numerous opportunities over 71 years to seek peace with Israel. It has repeatedly rejected that option, choosing instead to seek to destroy it, now joined by Iran and its agents in the region.

Common sense and geopolitical reality make the case for the president’s decision.