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Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

​​The wave of Palestinian terrorist attacks in Israel continued this week with violent assaults in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Petah Tikvah.  Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has appallingly referred to the violence as a “justified popular uprising.”  Unfortunately the European Union’s response has been disturbingly timid.
In a statement noting that “terror attacks took place,” the spokesperson for the European External Action Service (EEAS) weakly concludes, “Once again, hatred and violence have taken innocent lives.  Once again, we call on all parties to work together and do their utmost to immediately calm down the situation and prevent further escalation.”  Not only does the EEAS fail to identify the attacks as part of a systematic campaign of Palestinian terror against Israel—it fails to even mention the word “Israel.”  Nor does the EEAS condemn the terror; rather, it calls “on all parties to work together and do their utmost to immediately calm down the situation,” as though Palestinian attacks on Israelis are not calculated and can be halted by a handshake and a kind word.
Urge the EU’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, to unambiguously condemn Palestinian terror and make clear that Palestinians cannot achieve peace until they stop inciting violence against Israelis.  The democratic world must stand united against terrorism.
 Gary P. Saltzman
   International President
 Daniel S. Mariaschin
   Executive Vice President

Her Excellency Federica Mogherini
High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
European Union
Brussels, Belgium

Dear Madam High Representative:
The Palestinians have stepped up their deliberate campaign of terror against Israelis with attacks this week in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Petah Tikvah.  These murderous episodes are calculated to terrorize Israel’s population and undermine the peace process.  Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has made this strategy clear by referring to the violence as a “justified popular uprising.”
The democratic world must not tolerate or turn a blind eye to this terrorist assault on the Middle East’s only democracy, Israel.  Failure to condemn terrorism only invites more violence and harms the cause of peace.  This is why I was so concerned by the EEAS spokesperson’s recent statement, which fails to condemn Palestinian terror and even omits any mention of Israel’s name.
I urge you to unequivocally condemn these unconscionable terrorist attacks on Israelis. Make clear to Palestinians that they cannot achieve peace until they abandon their systematic campaign of terror against the Israeli population.