B’nai B’rith International has issued the following statement:
President Trump has returned to an indefensible position on the sickening violence that took place in Charlottesville at the “Unite the Right” rally.
Instead of asserting leadership and forcefully condemning the alt-right, he is once again equivocating.
There is no doubt that the white supremacists and neo-Nazis, with their vulgar messages of violence and exclusion, must be called out in unambiguous terms at the highest level. In the absence of a strong White House statement, the message received by these groups, who feel emboldened, is that their hatred and violence are somehow acceptable. The extremists are encouraged and their views are bolstered in this leadership vacuum.
The president needs to display unquestionable clarity that sets a tone for the standards of tolerance and inclusion that have long defined our democracy.
His message must state unambiguously and forcefully that this hatred is rejected.
Each moment that goes by without moral clarity from the White House is a moment that the extremists gain a greater foothold to undermine our collective values.
President Trump has returned to an indefensible position on the sickening violence that took place in Charlottesville at the “Unite the Right” rally.
Instead of asserting leadership and forcefully condemning the alt-right, he is once again equivocating.
There is no doubt that the white supremacists and neo-Nazis, with their vulgar messages of violence and exclusion, must be called out in unambiguous terms at the highest level. In the absence of a strong White House statement, the message received by these groups, who feel emboldened, is that their hatred and violence are somehow acceptable. The extremists are encouraged and their views are bolstered in this leadership vacuum.
The president needs to display unquestionable clarity that sets a tone for the standards of tolerance and inclusion that have long defined our democracy.
His message must state unambiguously and forcefully that this hatred is rejected.
Each moment that goes by without moral clarity from the White House is a moment that the extremists gain a greater foothold to undermine our collective values.