Jews for Jesus remains a deceptive cover to convert Jews | Opinion
Read Alan Schneider’s Jerusalem Post op-ed calling out Jews for Jesus for being a deceptive cover for a full-court effort to convert Jews.
Read Alan Schneider’s Jerusalem Post op-ed calling out Jews for Jesus for being a deceptive cover for a full-court effort to convert Jews.
B’nai B’rith hosted Father Patrick Desbois, a leader in documenting mass atrocities, in Israel to mark one year since the Oct. 7th attacks.
By Alan Schneider, Director, B’nai B’rith World Center – Jerusalem As someone who served three years of mandatory service in the Israeli army, followed by some 25 years in combat reserves—including...
Iton Gadol interviewed our World Center-Jerusalem Director Alan Schneider about B’nai B’rith’s vital work in Israel and across the globe.
Fighting continues to rage in Gaza: rocket barrages on Israeli civilians in the North and the South persist; 136 hostages remain in captivity of Hamas; and some 200,000 Israelis remain internally...
Read World Center Dir. Alan Schneider’s insights on our Jewish Rescuers Citation as a contributor to the film, “Resistance: They Fought Back.”
JNS cited World Center-Jerusalem Director Alan Schneider’s analysis of the concerning resurgence of Christian missionary efforts in Israel.
“The war against the Mission – The Lodge initiated activities against the damaging effect of the Mission by establishing evening classes for youngsters and adults, to teach them knowledge and...
Over the last twelve weeks, Israel has been in the throes of the longest and most divisive public debate since the State was founded nearly 75 years ago. Since Minister of Justice Yariv Levin...